A downloadable game

Prototype shooter inspired game showcasing the ability of spawning objects on screen. Objects such as projectiles the player must avoid, collectibles the player should collect, and background assets that assist in making the scenery and appearance in gameplay feel more engaging and progressive.

Game designed & developed as part of my assignment in "Advanced Games Development" in my first semester of my 3rd year in Manchester Metropolitan University.


20020202 Advanced Games Development Assignment LINK.txt 202 bytes

Install instructions

Link to .rar file on my OneDrive

The rar. file is 2gb and therefore cannot be uploaded onto this. I have provided a link to my OneDrive of the .rar file. You must download the .rar file and then extract it. Once extracted, you will find the ".exe" application titled "20020202 Adv GD" in the "Builds" folder.

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